national development and reform commission: international oil prices over 130 u. s. dollars per barrel domestic oil prices will not be increased-j9九游国际真人

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national development and reform commission: international oil prices over 130 u. s. dollars per barrel domestic oil prices will not be increased

2022/6/30 viewers:
xinhua news agency, beijing, june 29(reporters anbei and shencheng) the national development and reform commission said on the 29th that in order to reduce the burden on downstream users and consumers and reduce the running costs of the real economy, the state council has agreed, when the international oil price exceeds the us $130 per barrel regulatory ceiling, the domestic oil product price will not be raised for a short period (not exceeding two months) , and the subsequent period when the international oil price exceeds the us $130 per barrel regulatory ceiling will cumulatively exceed two months, policies and measures will be clarified in advance. the relevant official of the national development and reform commission said that the proportion of our country's oil extraction exceeds 70% . according to the current price mechanism for refined oil products, the domestic oil price is adjusted every 10 working days according to the international market crude oil price (the average price of the 10 working days before the oil price adjustment date) . according to the relevant provisions of the“oil price management measures”, when the international oil price exceeds the regulatory ceiling of 130 us dollars per barrel, gasoline and diesel prices are not mentioned or mentioned in principle.